Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Tucson trip.

Tucson Tucson is so fun!!
I didn't take too many pictures but still got a few cute ones to capture the fun we had. We are getting to be pros at the Provo to Tucson drive. We got to Phoenix in 12 hours after many stops along the way. I was paranoid I was going to get a blood clot so we stopped every 2 hours to walk around! Ha!

Arizona activities included:
1. Dinner with Auntie Bree and Uncle Kev before the headed to Florida for Kevin's surgery.
Rowan thought Uncle Kev was pretty cool!!

2. We could not wait to meet precious Tenley. Rowan surprised us by wanting to hold her. He sat on the couch...supervised of course!...and held that sweet baby girl. He even kissed her cheek unprompted. Maybe he is more ready for his brother than we realize!

3. We loved playing with cuzzies Aden and Eli. Ro and Eli are 4 months apart and at such a fun stage together. They played so nicely together and even threw in a few hugs and kisses.

Twins?? Nope, just cuzzies!!!

Ro loved Aden!! He especially loved jumping on the trampoline together...cute videos to come!!
Sorry to lazy to flip the pic... :)

This life sized hamster ball as I like to call it was also a huge hit with the boys!

4. We had a blast with the Lams as always. We opened presents, ate our traditional Mexican feast (Thanks Lainey and Amy!!), and played our hearts out!

All of the currently born Lammy's. We'll need a new picture next month!!

Ro loved snuggling/playing with his Big Cuzzies!

5. We also had a blast hangin with Poppa Eric. We have been wanting to take Ro to the zoo for a long time, but needed some awesome Tucson weather to make it really fun!
We were so grateful that Grandpa treated us to a day at the zoo!

Feeding the giraffes!! It was kinda gross/awesome!!

Ro wanted to climb in with all the animals! Eeeeek...shoulda brought the leash! :p

6. I had a great time meeting up with girlfriends! I caught Chels and Maris each before they left for new destinations and I am so grateful for that!

We loved our Tucson visit. It was relaxing and subdued. We soaked up that sun like nobodies biznisssss! We sure needed it!


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